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Is This The Stupidest Man On The Planet ?

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mikey4444 | 18:00 Mon 24th Jun 2013 | News
78 Answers
This moron is making an argument FOR female genital mutilation !

If anybody asked me why I am an atheist, I only have to point them at this clip from the BBC News Website.


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@ Octavius - If you are going to berate people for expressing a view on a chatsite, you are going to be berating everyone for evermore. There can be no argument from anyone, atheist or zealous fundamentalist, that this specific practice, raised by Mikey in this thread, derives its authenticity from religious belief - a belief that basically everything is the...
10:49 Tue 25th Jun 2013
It's times like this that I wonder why I bother even trying to defend religion. If this is justified religiously then there is something inherently wrong with religion -- and if it's not then there must be something wrong with those who teach it.
I remember a good few years back I read story about a girl who didn't want to have this procedure done, but she was forced to. It was a horrific ordeal that she had to endure. I don't agree with such stuff at all, just leave things as they are! Religion or not, this should not be allowed.
Yes Jim it's funny isn't it that when the bible and the koran are interpreted by backwards old misanthropic goats****ers they sound like they have been written by backwards old misanthropic goats****ers.
What a k**b,I say cut off the the top half of his privates,see how he likes it.
//If this is justified religiously then there is something inherently wrong with religion -- and if it's not then there must be something wrong with those who teach it. //

Those who teach it teach that which they have been taught - and so it continues. :o(
More evil than stupid
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Lively debate on this subject, as I expected. Thanks everybody for your contributions.

As an atheist, any self-appointed person coming out and saying that this is "the word of God" or other such drivel is completely unacceptable. I don't care if the Koran, Bible or the Torah says that this practise is OK, in mile high letters, written on the side of a mountain, it doesn't alter the basic stupidity of it.

In fact it makes it worse, because it gives it a thin film of so-called respectability. I have been castigated here on AB many times for using this next phrase, but where does common sense come in here ? How can it possibly be OK to tie a young girl down and mutilate her using an old rusty razor blade ? We are now in the 21st century, not the bloody Middle Ages, and religious people of all persuasions need to get that in their thick heads.

If people are taking their young girls out of Britain, and returning to some backward part of the world to have this done to them, they should be prosecuted on their return. Religious sensitivities should not stand in the way of proper and concerted action. This is child abuse of the worst kind...done with the full understanding and acquiescence of the child's parents. There have been various investigations in the media over the last few years about this going on in Britain itself, and yet still virtually no prosecutions.

I am getting a tad p*ssed off with being lectured by the uneducated representatives of various religions, that because "their" way is centuries old, than it is tried and tested and shouldn't be criticised in any way.

***. Child sexual mutilation is not OK for any reason, least of all because its religion-based. I am just as annoyed with the completely unnecessary mutilation of baby boys, which dwarfs the practise done to girls, but I fully realise that this may be a step too far for many people. Not for me though !
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For *** above read B*LLOX !
He told Aleem Maqbool that it removed a woman's "need for man".

Again we see the obsession among the Abrahamic faiths that cast the female as the root of most problems. Eve was tempted into "original sin". Men are just "victims" of a woman's lust and cannot be expected to control his natural urges.

These religions all promote extremely sick misogynist attitudes.
Mikey, I agree with every word!!

I know there are many different groups trying to put an end to this barbaric practice, I think the only way it will end is by educating the mothers and the teachers, It doesnt appear to be having any great affect but I think it will eventually with the correct laws in place to back them up.
Nasty nasty nasty man !
He's a cretin.
This is one among thousands of examples that demonstrate that there is definitely something very wrong with religion.

The future of the planet depends on the demise of religion, especially Islam. No man has ever been so undeservedly raised to such a high status as Mohammed. Indeed he is among the most pathetic and disgusting men ever to have walked the Earth.
"If anybody asked me why I am an atheist, I only have to point them at this clip from the BBC News Website"

Well yes, thats great, but how does that help all the poor young girls being brutalised on a daily basis?

Berate religion and the disturbing practices adopted by all means, but bleating about it constantly does nothing to overcome the abhorrent sociocultual aspects of FGM and the children who suffer because of it. Why not take your atheism to Africa and help these poor unfortunates?
"Bleating" about the nonsense of religion needs to be done everywhere. Undermining religion does help turn opinion against its barbaric practices.

I do tire of religious apologists.
hang him by his gonads, he might change his mind pretty quick
is this a religious piece of dogma or cultural, and you are right it does happen here, read Chrisgel thread yesterday...
"Undermining religion does help turn opinion against its barbaric practices"

On a UK chat site consisting of 99% atheists? Puuurllease. You remind me of the Father Ted protest.

Thats what I'm talking about em10, lets go over there with a rusty knife and do the bugger.
// Berate religion and the disturbing practices adopted by all means, but bleating about it constantly does nothing to overcome the abhorrent sociocultual aspects of FGM and the children who suffer because of it. //

Good point. Tell us what positive action you're taking to address the issue and we'll try to follow the lead. Otherwise we'll have to assume you're just bleating about people berating disturbing practices.

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