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Why The Hell.....

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boxtops | 10:56 Mon 28th Jan 2013 | News
7 Answers
... do parents take children to the sea in terrible weather? Local to us, a baby in a buggy was swept into the sea and died when a big wave took it. This little mite was a bit more lucky


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I have seen this happen time and time again
don't know, sad that this happens, some are just not aware of the danger
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How can you not be, though, em? High winds, rain, big waves.....

I know our folks used to take us to look at a rough sea when we were about six, but we were never allowed near the water. It's exciting when you are older, but all a baby would know about is being cold and wet.
I watched "Youve Been Framed" best 100 holiday videos the other day.

I could not believe some of the stupid things people were doing on holiday. Many just hit their heads or fell over when doing something stupid.

But many could easily have broken their neck or even killed themselves.

They showed one clip of a guy (with a load of other people) on a large boat with huge masts and sails (I think it was sailing round greek islands).

He climbed to the top of the mast and then decided to jump off into the sea.

But the mast was still over part of the boat, and he crashed into the side of the boat and then fell in the sea.

Could easily have killed himself or broken his neck or back.

Some people are just stupid.
There are always plenty of candidates for the Darwin Awards.
because some people don't see it, not till it's too late.
The amount of idiots who push a buggy out between two parked cars then lean over to see if there is anything coming never ceases to amaze me.

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