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Jim Davidson Arrested By Yewtree Officers

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sp1814 | 22:13 Wed 02nd Jan 2013 | News
91 Answers

Do you think that Jim Davidson has a point:

"Everyone is now an expert. Just pick someone you don’t like and say it’s them. So I’ll be the first one to knock it on the head and belt up. How’s about that then?”


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jno, have just gratefully disposed of the remains of a headless turkey. Right off poultry for the time being.
The Latest Arrest thread.
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Oops...I see it!
Twenty Five years ago!! and how do you abuse a woman in her mid twentys if she didn't want to be abused? surely if she didn't want to have sex that would be rape, and why take so long to complain?
Compensation springs to mind
//Do you think that Jim Davidson has a point: //

Yes I do. I think he's right. Accusers are suddenly crawling out of the woodwork. What does it amount to? A celebrity puts an arm around someone who's a 'star watcher' and is badgering him for an autograph, and twenty years (that's a guess) later, it's deemed abusive? What's happening now is shameful!
naomi, I do think there is an element of neo-McCarthyism swinging through our society at the moment when it comes to yes.
Absolutely - knitting needles at ten paces and off with his head! Bloody disgraceful!
Such a shame that the police did not act so positively years ago when they were first told about JS.
very difficult though, the balance in unearthing the disgusting cases that have built up underneath for whatever reason, and the gold-grabbers on the other.
in concurrence there, sir.p.
I still would like to know the part the police played in covering this up previously,all these arrests now don't make their earlier actions right.
^^^ exactly DT

We can't assume either in this or any other case of arrest.
-- answer removed --
yep maidup, even though I may come across as being somewhat wishy-washy on this, past experiences do take me to getting the appropriate justice for the genuinely abused. However, each case must be assessed on the basis of that Lady astride the Old Bailey with her scales of justice and not on some coded edict.
(or ducking stool or neo Mr McCarthy or the Press, dare I say that last one).
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Just thought of something - how can we know from what period these accusations stem from?

For all we know, the alleged offence(s) may have taken place three weeks ago.
The problem is once mud is thrown it sticks - and the lady atop the Old Bailey won't change that.
true, naomi, to some extent, unfortunately with our weighted Press....and sp, usually if there is a charge, it refers to the date of infraction.
Exactly mud sticks. Matthew Kelly has been mentioned on here bluestone, and it did him some harm. He was a decent presenter on TV Game for a Laugh, You bet, and Stars in your Eyes were popular programmes until he was caught up in the Jonathon King interveiw, King was jailed for 7 years, and Kelly was left off the TV, he has his stage career for those who want to see him acting. This witch hunting has gone on too long. No proof of any of this in JD's case two 25year old women who probably should have known better at their age, now giving their version of events of years ago. 'It has blighted my life yer 'onour' I still can't sleep and eat.
sp1814 I think the 'not named' people are the ones nobody has ever heard of ( I mean not famous in any way) just average 'man in the Street' people.
It could / would lead to problems if they said for example '' Mr John Grey'' has been arrested for child abuse, anyone of that name could be a victim of a 'Lynch Mob' . There are 100s of Jim Davidson's for example,I know one, but every one knows which Jim Davidson they are referring to. Not the case if they just named a 'Bert Smith' or' Fred Jones'.

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