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Why do we fund these people

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emmie | 17:14 Tue 09th Oct 2012 | News
68 Answers
I heard this on the news last evening, I wonder how you get to live in such palatial surroundings.



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By being a terrorist....

By not working and living off tax payers money...

By being an illegal immigrant...

Oh, the list is endless ;)
17:17 Tue 09th Oct 2012
My 'agree' was for em
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nice family
On 28 May 2009, three of Hamza's sons were sentenced to imprisonment by Southwark Crown Court for a two-year fraud involving stolen cars. Hamza Kamel, then aged 22 and Mohamed Mostafa, then aged 27 (both from Acton, London) ran the scam operation with Abu Hamza's stepson Mohssin Ghailam, then aged 28. Four other men were jailed on related charges.[30] In July 2010, it was reported that another son, Yasser Kamel, then aged 20, was sentenced to twelve months in youth detention after pleading guilty to one count of violent disorder at anti-Israel protests in January 2009.[31] In January 2012, Imran Mostafa (another of Abu Hamza's sons) was convicted for his part in an armed robbery on a jewellers in Kings Lynn, Norfolk, and for illegally possessing a firearm with intent to commit an offence.[32]
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so the taxpayer paid for them too, in prison.
So do you suggest we kick out white families the children in jail too?
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she has been asked to leave because most of her brood don't live at home. Perhaps another council will be asked to take her in, if this council want to get rid.
Has Najat Mostafa been convicted of any crime herself?
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she and 2 children, so they hardly need a non palatial 5 bed home.
So if that is your objection do you suggest we ask all tenants to leave homes when their children no longer live there?
I agree that any council tenant who no longer needs to have the size of house they have been given (due to children moving out etc) should be asked if they would consider moving to a smaller house.
This is all relative but, to someone who was brought up in a North Belfast coucil house, a five bedroom house is palatial.

If she is on benefits/sponging then she should leave the five bedroom house if she has no need for it. We have to make best use of our housing stock.
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as i recall from precious posts that is exactly what some on here suggested, that social housing is not for life, if the property is too big for one person they should be made to move. It is unlikely that she will be moved, going on other links to this story.
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previous posts, that should read.
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London councils are changing their laws, rules on housing already. Notification have been going out about size of properties, but i wasn't talking about that. They have lived quite well, five bed home, entirely funded by the taxpayer, why?
em, if it was your post then it was precious.
If she gets hate mail at her home; harassed; targeted by yobs and so on she might be begging to move.
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sorry about that, some days typo's just creep in.
No need to be sorry, it was a compliment.
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no one is suggesting that, i am suggesting that she and her husband with the band of eight children have seemingly lived well, whilst not actually having any visible means of financial support, other than the taxpayer, why?
I totally agree - you've lost me here, or misinterpreted my meaning of "precious", which you typed oreiginally, albeit erroneously.
Now do you want them out because you deem them as benefit scroungers, terrorists or living in a house to big for them? As you thread seems to change its mind.

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