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That’s the way the money goes, Pop! goes the weasel.

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anotheoldgit | 13:15 Thu 30th Aug 2012 | News
62 Answers

Here are some startling figures on which to contemplate, if one is concerned at the demise of our once wonderful NHS.

/// The issue, dubbed ‘health tourism’, is thought to cost the NHS as much as £200million a year. ///

What could be done with this amount of money?


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Actually, my mental picture is of Ian Beale.

Dunno why...

Touch loads and loads of wood...I've been lucky in that in my entire adult life, I've never made use of the NHS. However, I love the fact that I could if I needed to (say if I were in an accident and needed urgent medical care).

The problem, as I see it, with privatisation is that it doesn't necessarily mean better management of resources, or a reduction in red tape. And then there's the question of cost and insurance. With private care, we would have to take out private health insurance (as they do in the US), and what's to stop insurance companies charging an arm an a leg to those they simply don't want to cover (the elderly or those with pre-existing conditions)?
why is it necessary to worry what people look like, surely everyone is entitled to an opinion, right or wrong, and who is to say who is right at every turn and who is wrong at every turn. I picture some on here as Guardian reading left wing twerps, with little or no understanding of the real world, but i reckon that isn't really the case, so we make these daft little assumptions, and would say 9 times out of 10 we are all wrong.
sp, the NHS is the proverbial sacred cow, no government really wants to touch it with a bargepole, it's why it's in the mess it's in. But it will need to change, the money isn't everlasting, and the fact is we have too many people in Britain, trying to access the services, and not enough people paying towards it.

I honestly think that everyone on AB, has the capacity to argue a point and I always try to think of a counter-argument and treat the other AB members with respect.

But the person I'm referring to is just plain irritating. I've asked him not to post messages directed to me, or ask me questions, bute he simply won't leave me alone.

Therefore, I don't feel honour bound to treat him with any dignity.
sp, like a children's playground spat, not worth doing. I have to go and put the toys away, you all play nicely now.
hey SP you really do need to grow some and get off your perch.

like em has said a playground spat, only thing is I'm not in the slightest bit bothered by it, not one jot.

For pedantry and semantics AB news is the place, for proper discussions then this is definitely not the place, as I have said before I am not bothered by other peoples opinions of me or what I may or may not look like, and as for angry....quite the opposite, I usually have a good laugh at some of the tosh you lot post, but hey ho they are your opinions for what they are worth and you are more than welcome to them.

What I find most odd and disturbing is why youre trying to figure out what I look like, you obviously need someone to fullfil your stereotyping, the very same thing you seem to lambast others for and openly accuse them of doing.

Like I said you really need to find a life outside of AB

Stop posting to me.

Not interested.
jake the peg

\\\As it happen my wif'e just had to be admitted as an emergency into hospital - She was seen and admitted it a matter of hours, bllod tests and xrays have been done quickly and efficiently.\\\

That is excellent and i hope that she recovers quickly, however what you describe is routine for any Western Country's management of a medical" emergency." and doesn't really add to the OP's question.

\\\sp, the NHS is the proverbial sacred cow, no government really wants to touch it with a bargepole, it's why it's in the mess it's in. But it will need to change, the money isn't everlasting, and the fact is we have too many people in Britain, trying to access the services, and not enough people paying towards it.\\\

and that post by em sums up the situation nicely.

I'm not interested, its an open public forum, dont like dont read, simples
People who still use passé puppet-meerkat catchphrases really need to review their act.
I can only speak of my own experience of the NHS and for a start, I wouldn't be writing this at all without their care.
They were fantastic. Prompt, warm, friendly, caring, efficient and all round bloody marvellous as it goes.
I saw nothing of this supposed filth and lack of concern. I have to go for regular checks and it's always the same.
"What could be done with this amount of money?"
You could give everyone in the country £3. Using the more likely figures for the cost of "health tourism" you could drop the £3 to probably ~£1.00.
No need to send mine. Put it on the lottery. Thanks.

It's the new 'not' in, "I had a great time at the party...NOT".
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To those ABers who don't seem bothered about foreign persons who are not entitled to our NHS, and have never paid into our NHS coming over to this country and receiving free treatment, I say this.

Say yourselves and others had together invested your cash in creating a Golf Club, along with all it's amenities, and each Wednesday afternoon a couple of non-members strolled onto the course and started to play a round.

Would you then say, "why worry there's plenty of room for everybody, and seeing there is only two, it's only a drop in the ocean"?
That's an interesting analogy Old Git.

I think I'd chase them off .... But

if doing so meant we might have to step over their bloodied corpses on our way into the clubhouse I would probably just let them get on with it.
Sqad, you and I are on the same page on this one, I have seen the best, but also the very worst that the NHS can come up with.
I have also sampled the medical private sector, and believe me it left a lot to be desired.

em....I have sampled both, professionally and as a costumer and the best of the NHS is as good as anywhere else in the world, but it is patchy in the UK and the worst is totally unacceptable in modern day terms.

My BIG moan about the NHS is that of the arrogance of many of the doctors and nurses and certainly of the Politicians when it has been lauded as "the NHS, the Envy of the World".....the headlines of the Labour Party in at least two elections. It never was and it still isn' other country in the world has followed suit and the Americans are really scared of the Obama scheme.

It is hemorrhaging money at an alarming rate and ANY savings (the basis of this thread) is welcomed although not popular with the electorate who are in no mood for changes.

But changes WILL come.......they will have to.
so you are a costumer, was it nice. x

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