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Has the EU .....

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R1Geezer | 08:59 Fri 15th Jul 2011 | News
49 Answers
Done more damage to Europe than the third Reich.....?


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Maybe you could get the ball rolling then R1? Explain to us in what way you think that the EU has done more damage than Hitler's Germany? Or vis versa of course.

I've always felt that EU is fundamental to stopping Europe killing each other, again.
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The problem is ed that in trying to stop Europe killing each other we must endure what is worse than death.
Wow. You think that the current state of Europe is WORSE than being dead?
I would be interested to know the specifics though. No one says the EU doesn't have problems, but I don't ever fully understand what people dislike about it so much?
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Essentially we are subjugated by unelected beauracrats. This is just UK but in the question I include the whole EU, presumably they musy also have a similar feeling. It's the old saying ED, better to die on your feet that live on your knees.
Must disagree with the general point "Has the EU done more damage than the Third Reich".

Then the answer must be no.

What the EU has however done, what Hitler and his so called ideals failed to do, and that is make the British people subservient to a bureaucratic dictatorship, even during the dark days of WW2 we remained free.

But now we have been invaded by any person from Europe who wishes to come to this country and take advantage of our Welfare State, our Jobs, our Housing stock, our Schools, all of which generations of hard working British people have strove over many years to obtain.

But it is no use complaining or refusing to carry out the wishes of the EU dictatorship, because they can also override our judicial system.

If we could release the shackles of Europe that bind us, then that would indeed be 'V E Day' (Victory over Europe Day), and I could foresee Street Parties and dancing in the streets once again.
When way back we joined ''The Common Market'' I & lots of others like me thought we were joining a sort of club where we would all carry on as we were but would market our goods together in a sort of friendly large supermarket affair. Sadly it has turned out to be nothing of the sort, so the answer to the original question is YES. We now have a situation that none of us asked for where we are told what to do by order of a foreign power who lets be honest none of us elected & I for one am heartily sick of & given the chance ( no chance) would vote to come out & go for free trading with the rest of the world. Ron.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Thanks to the EU I can no longer enjoy pork chops with a bit of kidney in them, and that's out of order.

Ok it's a small maybe insignificant thing but it's one of too many EU dictates that have impacted on our lives, and they all add up.
London in the blitz


London now


So are you seriously going to tell me you'd prefer to live in the former? For a start, what would you do without AnswerBank? Spend your time queuing for eggs, I suppose.
As jno says, the damage done to Britain by Hitler was bad enough, but Britain escaped lightly compared to Europe as a whole.
And do you think the Nazis would have tolerated racially impure pork chops tainted with kidney?? I somehow doubt it lol
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jno you miss the point entirely, yes physical damage was done, but we resisted and prevailed. Now we cede total control of our nation without a wimper, our gutless politicians on all sides prefer their snout in the trough to freedom for the masses. Personally I'd rather fight WWII a hundred times that get roggerered by the EU as we are now.
You'd rather 60million people were killed than be in the EU....

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nice leap of illogic chuck!
It's not control though - I see the EU,and HRA in particular, as the ultimate protection of the individual from the state. That's what I want. I want to know there are recognised fundamental human rights enshrined by law.

What is it you actually want?
Do you think that Geezer is a Facist clown ?
I guess the answer depends on what you believe to be damage to a continent. There is so much you could Chose to include or to leave out. After all do millions dying have much of an affect on the continent as a whole? It does to individuals but that's a different question.

I'm unsure the question makes sense. Suffice it to say we had to fight off a military invader, and now instead, we are failing to fight off being dictated to from those outside our borders. Maybe it's just a different sort of imperialism where extended influence is for a powerful elite rather than a particular country.
Dictated to by those outside our borders?

Did you miss the Eurpean elections?

Do you think there are no Brit's the council of ministers?

If we were a little country like Lituania I could see your point but we are one of the biggest most important forces in the EU.

The EU is a major force and a major check to the power of big business interests like Murdoch and Microsoft and others - they don't like this and do all they can to undermine it - including swamping the press with anti-EU propaganda.

Wake up and smell the coffee -You're being played by big business interests
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I want what we signed up for in 1973, a common market, cooperation and general agreements. Not the subjugation we have now. The HRA only applies to criminal scum, it's not a new idea, it's just we previously used common sense. The EU is a socialist contagion and we know that socialism cannot work.
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we elect MEP's, big deal, they have very little power. The commission runs the show. mostly in their own favour so they can give their useless brother in law a 100K job.
Did you miss that the PR selected ministers merely form the parliament and discuss whatever the Commission decides to legislate? Do you believe each country has the ability to veto that which is unacceptable to it?

I've had my coffee, and I'm certain one can contain big business by passing our own legislation, and by forming international agreements, without having to swallow loss of sovereignty as part of the process.

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