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2 Blokes snogging?

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R1Geezer | 14:19 Fri 15th Apr 2011 | News
211 Answers
Offensive or not? Was the landlord being a prude here? Do you cringe when you see gays kissing in public?


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Queers? Kerrist, that's a bit 80's, isn't it? Our local chief constable was recently rebuked for using such a term.

I have no qualms with two people being affectionate, regardless of sex/gender.

I can't be doing with two people sucking face in a pub, regardless of gender/orientation.

If it's a kiss night-night, fair enough.

If it's tonsil tickling, either take it outside or get a room, straight OR gay.
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Not me, it's just that I have been taking PC lessons.
Please do your utmost in joining us in the 21st century, you'll benefit MASSIVELY by doing so....

Let me guess what would have happened in your local - would the two chaps have been taken outside for slap by the 'real men'?

Let's extrapolate - after whatever happens the 'real men' would be reported to the police, and hopefully convicted of ABH, then given a custodial sentence. They would lose their jobs, and who knows...even their houses (can't pay the mortgage in jail).

After leaving prison, they would find it difficult getting a job (people are wary of employing ex-cons - especially those who have been inside for violent crimes).

All in all - a bit of a result.
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You've hit the nail on the head. If it were a straight couple, none of this would happen, because they wouldn't have been thrown out for kissing in the first place.
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I think a quick public snog is quite jolly ... (or a "PDA"??)

"uphill sausage jockey" ??


Isn't that a bit of a mixed metaphor?

Surely it's "uphill gardener" or "sausage jockey" ... not a combination of both.

Any self respecting gay guy would be amused ... not offended.

He'd probably just say ... "I sure am, honey".

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dont want a gay down my throat

i got a soft spot for gays.......a bog in Nortern Ireland
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Or ... Legend's Bar ?
Cheers doc
The great thing about this story is that it's mobilised people. One little homophobic gesture, and bang - 700 protesters organised through Facebook, tons of negative publicity and irritation for the Neanderthals.

S'all good in my book.

Might even end up with the two gay chaps pocketing a bit of cash if they sue. Pay for a nice holiday in Sitges perhaps.
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Haven't we lost the plot here ? I think this thread has gone on long enough now. A couple of pufters were kissing in a pub & were turfed out end of. I can't speak for anyone else on here but I am sick & tired of the unnaturals making an exhibition of themselves & hitting the news headlines I so wish we could get back to normality. Let me state it clearly once again< Girl,Boy / Boy,Girl, NORMAL, Like life used to be. Ron.

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