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Who was the original "true love never dies" by?

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okmanji1 | 11:47 Tue 08th Mar 2005 | Music
4 Answers
I've heard that the original " true love never dies" was kylie Minogue singing over rank 1's "airwave", i've also heard that it's actually paul van dyke's "for an angel" what's the stroy on this track?


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Its actually Rank 1 - Airwave and True Love Never Dies by Donna Williams. It was first released at least 6 years ago cos it was one of this first songs I ever heard in a nightclub. I've heard the original by DW by fluke on the net but can't find it on CD or to download, I think it was off an old album or just some random one-off song!
00:46 Thu 10th Mar 2005
As far as i know, none of these rumours are true, and if we are talking about the same song, it was definitely originally released in early 2001 and first went into the charts at number 36. Then was re-released in early 2002 and reached number 7.
Hope this helps.x
Its actually Rank 1 - Airwave and True Love Never Dies by Donna Williams. It was first released at least 6 years ago cos it was one of this first songs I ever heard in a nightclub. I've heard the original by DW by fluke on the net but can't find it on CD or to download, I think it was off an old album or just some random one-off song!
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This is really random, I googled this question and read the answers before realising that I actually I am the one who posted the question almost 20 years ago and never read the answers, I don't remember even posting it. Thank goodness for using the same password for everything back then. Feels like I'm talking to 2005 me, my favourite version of me, I love that guy. Case closed on a 20 year mystery. Thanks all

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This is really random, I googled this question and read the answers before realising that  actually I am the one who posted this question almost 20 years ago and never read the answers, I don't remember even posting it. Thank goodness for using the same password for everything back then. Feels like I'm talking to 2005 me, my favourite version of me, I love that guy. Case closed on a 20 year mystery. Thanks all

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Who was the original "true love never dies" by?

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