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ludwig | 23:38 Thu 12th Aug 2010 | Music
26 Answers
What's you favourite ABBA song? mine's Money Money Money.


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The day before you came.
23:42 Thu 12th Aug 2010
the winner takes it all
Great video and song factor. I dont think Ive heard that one before. Isnt it funny how songs always seem more emotional and interesting when on a video.?
I'm not getting that Ludwig, does it depend on your browser? I get the adverts down the side, but no links in the actual postings to any adverts.
No no the underlining facility has gone from AB since you were last a regular on here Ludwig.
Sorry ludwig, just read your later post and realised I misunderstood when I thought you were talking about underlining text in posts. Sorry I have no knowledge of that automated hyperlink money advert thingy you mentioned.I haven't noticed it but perhaps I'm not on here as often as you

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