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music name?

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mstrmind10 | 01:57 Thu 19th Feb 2009 | Music
5 Answers
does anyone know what the name of the music used for the main part of this video?

fan video


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No, but a starting point is that Rob Kral composed the music. It may be called

Angel Main Theme � �The Sanctuary Extended Remix� - performed by Darling Violetta but I can't confirm that.
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its not from the show. its a fan made trailer for a theoretical movie, since the show was cancelled a couple of years back.

the music sounds familiar, but i cant pinpoint where it is from. i'll know i'll kick myself if i ever get the answer.

thanks anyway.
It's been used in a lot of trailers, Lions For Lambs being the most recent.
It's actually the theme from Pearl Harbor by Hans Zimmer.
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ive listened to that. it sounds simliar but not exact. are you sure that is it?

what is the name of the piece exactly?
My apologies, should have double checked with my track database first. It IS by Hans Zimmer, but it's Journey To The Line from The Thin Red Line.

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music name?

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