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What is the title of this song please?

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mrs.chappie | 23:21 Sun 08th Feb 2009 | Music
44 Answers
Someone on AB posted a Youtube video of it recently on Chatterbank. There are lots of drummers playing at the beginning, and the words go something like:

I've had the time of my life ....... (Not the Dirty Dancing song).

It's a very catchy tune.

Anyone any idea please? Thanks folks!


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HAve you heard this drumming one by Cozy Powell.....
Now he's a good drummer......
The one below is the Live version

and this one is a clearer version
Question Author
Dance With The Devil brings back memories of the seventies Imo, Oh yes, I remember it well.

This is an exceptionally good song,with a really good rhythm....and some drumming!!
One of my top favourite artistes....

Oh dear,you might get a surprise from my previous post.
I posted the wrong one.
This is the correct one.....sorry about that.
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My favourite has to be Invisible Touch, Imo. I love that one.
In that case,this is the one for you then Mrs C

there's a little talking at the beginning but the song soon starts
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I enjoyed that, Imo. One More Night is also a fav of mine.
This is one of my favourites by Phil Collins and Genesis..

and this is another by Phil C which I adore.Very powerful and moving song....

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Oh, I'd forgotten Follow You, Follow Me Imo. That's great too. Ya can't beat the oldies.
One more night is here for you Mrs C.......
Ummmmm,I can explain that rob.....
My fault I think......

Don't you like Phil C and Genesis then?
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Hey thanks Imo. One More Night brings back sad memories of a chap I split up with at the time it was out.

Mind you, I went on to find me hubby, so all's well that ends well!
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Awww,how nice Mrs C.I'm sure your very happy with your other half now eh?

In my opinion,I'm pretty sure it's PC as you say rob.It sounds like Phil's voice.
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I'm very happy with him, thanks IMO. We are like two peas in a pod!

How about you buddy, do ya have a girfriend?
I think I'll finish with another day in paradise....

and as it's winter, a song which is on one of my Genesis albums.It's a lovely little song....hope you like it...
Ooh I missed your post just then.Are you having problems with AB tonight.It's behaving very slowly more often than not.
I'm having to wait a while for my comments to go through.
Constantly having to Refresh sometimes.

Anyway,to answer your question, no, I have still yet to find a girlfriend.
Maybe one will come along sometime in the future....both my brothers are married.I'm the only one without a dolly bird.
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I've been having trouble posting for a long time Imo. Drives me mad! Don't know if it's a problem with the site or with my computer.

Anyhoo, I hope you find a girlfriend soon (if you want one, of course!) as it's lovely to have a special someone in your life.

Actually,there is another song which I adore.
Sorry rob,but I just got to post this one by Genesis....

Not much of a video,but hey,just enjoy the song.....

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