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An Evening Of Classical

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Bobbisox1 | 20:36 Fri 03rd Apr 2020 | Music
62 Answers
And here’s my favourite

Do you have a favourite piece ?


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Did you not post that earlier?
That was for CAPTAIN
That's odd Bobbi, it plays for me fine.
One of my favourites..

This is the version I knew all those years ago when I first heard it.
^^^^hopefully it will work.
TheCorbyLoon, thank you - didn't even notice - try again. :))

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Beautifully haunting Pasta x
Thank you Captain. Love that piece.
Pasta, hopefully this will work for you and others

While we are on Carl Orff, this is wonderful.

Such a lot of lovely music. Thank you all -can this be done every few days? I don't know how to put things on. We sang Elgar's 'Ave Verum' very well (according to the audience) on March 11th - but no-one recorded it. :(
Thanks again, all. I don't know if I really have a favourite. Perhaps Beethoven's 'Pastoral', but then there is...….. and …...
This is grand...Handel's Royal Fireworks Music
I've sung the Nabucco, 'Hebrew Slaves'. It's lovely to sing. Thanks.
Thank you Captain x
Doh...mine should have been Music For The Royal Fireworks
And, more Handel. The Water Music suite...
Thank you for this thread Bobbi.

Ther is so much to choose, but i love this.

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An Evening Of Classical

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