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caught doing 102 mph on the A9 in a 60 mph zone

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Bmw-Rider | 22:34 Mon 01st Nov 2010 | Road rules
154 Answers
driving north on the a9 in the 60 mph zone stopped by the police just wondering what might happen ?


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I don’t know if you are interested in a considered answer now, Bmw-Rider, after more than twelve hours of “Chatter”, but if you are here goes:

Magistrates’ sentencing guidelines (for England and Wales – I think they are the same in Scotland) only cover speeds up to 100mph in a 60mph zone. For that speed the recommended penalty is a fine of half a...
15:39 Tue 02nd Nov 2010
Different conditions for different roads, maybe.

Driving out of Brighton on the A23, if you're not doing 90+ it feels like you're going backwards, as all the London commuter traffic blats past you ... slows to a bottleneck as it passes any patrol cars ... and then blats off into the distance again.

If you drive at 70, you get a stream of cars in your back window, flashing their lights at you.
I'm sure the staistics will be compensation for their 8 week old granddaughter in years to come when she wants to know how unlucky her grandparents were that sunday morning
dotty next time you are in your car have a look around to see what the other drivers are doing .

change the cd
change the radio station
have a drink
on the phone
look at a map
having a snack

Speed is not the biggest killer
The sort of speed in this OP, on this particular road, is. Nearly twice the speed limit, look at it that way. You know the rules, you take the consequences.
Blimey ! ..what a lovely lot, kicking someone when they're down :-/
No - but when you combine it with those other factors it usually is!
why would the OP be down? He's just lived through a potentially suicidal bike ride, he shoulod be bloody elated he's still able to come on here and get slated for it.
Have you got any pictures?
Next time he acts like a total idiot he may not be so lucky and so we need to get as much criticism and ridicule in as possible, it may be our last chance.
Answerprancer - hardly kicking someone when they are down. Here is one of his posts from February 2007

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personally I am being quite restrained and would love to wade in and tell them what i really think.
yes I read his 'history', how is this guy still allowed on the roads? I'm going to email the ed and ask permission to absolutely rip him to pieces. Doubt I'll be granted said permission but I am mentally compiling my further criticisms.
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sadly Bmw-rider! You have no excuse! knew the speed limit, you exceeded it greatly! did the deed, now you need to pay for the speed! could have just adhered to the limit, as most of us do!..............
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Hey Bmw-Rider - you asked for advice.

Have you deserted us?
Was it advice or Insults he asked for.
Why are you all still wittering on when the OP hasn't responded once?
Opinions was what he asked for - and he got 'em.

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caught doing 102 mph on the A9 in a 60 mph zone

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