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Flat Battery whilst trying to get out of the snow!

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Crazychickx | 13:34 Sat 09th Jan 2010 | Motoring
5 Answers
I have a VW Golf, its normally a good car, it started first time during all this bad weather, but yesterday I was completely snowed in my my drive had snow about 6inch thick, I shovelled a path it took me two hours!!! (its not a big drive either!!), well I drove it to the gate (about 10 ft away) which is a slight hill and it just wouldn't get on the road kept slipping backwards and wheel spinning.... so I switched off the engine got out the car did some more shovelling... well got in the car and it wouldn't start!!.... wont turnover!! so am guessing its battery... is there anything I can do to get it going? I dont know anyone with jump leads and Iive on my own, I am a member of the AA but not sure if I have home start.....



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It might be worth putting the car in gear and rocking it, maybe the starter is stuck.
Are there any clicks or noises when you try and start? try flashing main beam and seeing if they stay bright for a few seconds, this will tell you if the battery is flat.
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I will try that Iggle Piggle, thank you so much!!!
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Hi I called the AA out and it was a flat battery!! Cost £65.00 quid but what the hell? Thanks though for the reply.
Hi, have a word with one of your neighbours surely someone will jump start your car, it will only take a min, What part of the country do you live?
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Thanks for the kind replies - in the end I called the AA and they replaced battery (£65), the AA man told me it was the original battery in the car so that means it was 9-10 years old!! So good battery methinks.

Thanks again for the advice and support.

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Flat Battery whilst trying to get out of the snow!

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