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LissyDoll | 19:01 Mon 17th Mar 2008 | TV
8 Answers
**CONTAINS SPOILERS** Question is posted as reply to avoid giving anything away. Please only read if you've seen all episodes so far x


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Heard someone say that all 'Oceanic Six' have been declared now, but I've only counted five - Jack, Kate, Hurley, ***** and Sun.
Have I missed one or are they including 'Kate's baby'?

Thank you! x
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They starred out the character from Iraq for some reason.
In a flashforward Kate had a child living with her, perhaps it isn't her own baby but Baby Aaron.
Question Author
I thought it was baby Aaron too but not sure if he is the last one of the Oceanic Six or not.
It's probably whoever the funeral was for,when they showed the first flash forward in the last episode of season 3. It showed Jack going to a funeral parlour and the usher said no one else had turned up.The name was never given. At that time,I thought it might have been Locke?
You're possibly forgetting that Said is now (future?) employed by Ben - is he one of the 6 or is there one left to be revealed?
Also - Michael's on the boat, but then so is desmond...
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It won't be Ben or Desmond as they weren't on the flight and so couldn't be one of the 'Oceanic 6' but could be Michael, or Walt, wherever he may be! Could definitely be the person in the coffin that Jack went to see too.

Thought it was sad about Jin but when I heard that the actor had been caught drink-driving, I wondered if he'd suffer the same fate as Ana Lucia and Libby!

Thanks for your suggestions everyone. Much appreciated x

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