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Sunday Evening Tv

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Maydup | 15:54 Sun 17th Aug 2014 | TV
13 Answers
The Mill, The Village, both or neither?



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Neither, both are dreadful, very depressing.
the village is a right laugh, imo.
Question Author
Neither for me too.

I might have a look at the Richard III's bones, but otherwise very little appeals.

itv3 at 2200hrs - 'chaplin'
Question Author
Or maybe The Prestige on BBC 2? Worth a try perhaps; has anyone seen it?
The Prestige is a v good film

the prestige is very good --- i shall be recording it
Question Author
Thank you both, I shall definitely give it a look then.
Both as we think they are great dramas.
-- answer removed --
The Village
Neither. I like city, I like crowd.

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