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How Did

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weecalf | 22:04 Fri 18th Jan 2013 | TV
9 Answers
Whats her name porter street where or how did she break into tv .What was here claim to fame afore .Or did she slip under the radar like pieres morgan


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She was big in newspapers I think.
Something to do with the yoof I think.
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so she has a voice for newspapers then .Thought that
Here's her c.v. (from her personal website):
She began as a journalist, all on Wiki, she deserves admiration for her rise to fame in a very male world.
Strange woman, extremely intelligent. Claim to fame, not sure on that,
I think there's no doubt she's a force to be reckoned with.
I have just read one of her books. Very interesting.
No slipping under radar, she was a high profile journalist - she's been around and influential for ages.

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