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Trucks and Trailers

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queenofmean | 22:04 Mon 10th Sep 2012 | TV
4 Answers
is anybody looking forward to this starting up again?


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What channel is it on? I'm looking forward to Eddie Stobart on Friday night.
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Channel 5 at 8pm Tizzi
I just watch it to see how they make my life of truck driving seem incredibly dangerous and 'on the edge'. Almost as bad as IRT where they carry 'massive 20,000lb loads'...thats less than 10 tonnes! I carry 20T in my tipper! Its all free advertising for William and the team ( call me cynical if you want, but I can't get excited about delivering into a Tesco RDC!). Oh, and while I think of it, the drivers are a bit iffy too. I remember last series (or the one before) someone had problems driving in snow 'cos they 'had never used the gearbox in manual before, only in automatic'. Just as well they never went to Austria in winter like I used to.

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