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Evict Marcus..

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Jemisa | 00:59 Tue 11th Aug 2009 | Reality TV
7 Answers
This last stint in the BB house was mainly down to Marcus, in fact he's been behind most of the trouble since day one. Its about time BB had him in the diary room gave him a good rollicking and said "You are evicted" "Please leave by the door on your right" They all then would learn a lesson about the consequences of constantly breaking the BB rules. Anyone aggree? J


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As much as he annoys me, I'd prefer to see Bea evicted first. Freddie had it right in tonight's show about her bitching, which caused her to be so 'deeply offended' - truth hurts...
I don't particuliarly like Bea or Marcus but wouldn't it be so boring to watch if we didn't have people like them in it .
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You're right Wendella I've thought the same thing myself but now at these later stages I'd like to see the house a bit calmer, Charlie and Roddy are livening it up a bit too.
Can't wait to see who's up this week.

I;d have just took food off them 3 and had them on bread and water!! And how dare mucus say silverfish was one who swore and was rude to BB, my god he was one who was rude in diary room. And telling them to lick his whatever. Kick him out
All his he wont be treated this way, then leave you immature pig!!
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I've just been on the BB web site and BB are turning the tables on them this week and ALLOWING them to talk about who they are voting for, sooo there will be no secret voting although Rodrigo still wants to vote in secret. Some of them are fessing up to whom they voted for in the past. Some are miffed now they know, Mmm! this is going to be interesting......


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