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Bex - size 12!!!

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tiggerblue10 | 15:35 Wed 02nd Jul 2008 | Reality TV
20 Answers
What do you reckon? I am a size 12 but I don't think I'm as big as her.


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on her bottom half! She isnt up top she said that. She hasnt got a huge arse at all
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I'm a 12 all over. I'd be a 10 if it wasn't for my spare tyre(s)! Lol
I;m a 12 on bottom but 8 or 10 up top, depends really which shop :-) My mate is a 14/16 on top but has the skinniest legs ever
I'm a 12 trousers and skirts but 18 on top, so we are not all perfect 12
Im a size 12 too, although in comparison tro Bex i would think i was a size zero!!

i think because she has a huge bust its decieving!
anyone who insists on pointing it out as vehemently as she did is probably talking a load of old twonk. she probably had on the one pair of shorts that had a 12 label in it and wanted to make herself feel better. who cares anyway? does she think we get brownie points for our dress size or something - it doesn't detract from the fact that she's a muppet...
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Sorry I brought it up Stonekicker :-(
stonekicker wasnt getting at you tigger
Psssssss although seems a little vexed at Bex
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Oh! Maybe I miss-read it. Sorry :-)
yes they didnt mean you were talking twonk I can see why you thought that. x
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I'm vexed with Bexed!!! Lol

She is a muppet. I would say she looks like Animal but that would be an insult to him!
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But I like talking twonk! ;-)
I think she is a size 12 on her bottom. She's more apple shaped and carries her weight around her middle.

Can't stand the girl, though. Just wanted to get that out. :)
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How about Jen's face when she heard she was up for eviction. she's so perfect she can't possibly see the reason.
(she thinks)
I think she could 'Whinge' for England.
Roll on Friday & I can wave goodbye
My aunt is a sixe 20 on top and a size 14 on the bottom, it makes for the most enormous muffin top but in no way could she wear bottoms any smaller as they just wouldnt stay up.
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Just cos the label on her keks said size 12, her arse was probably "eating" half of them

I`d say she was a 14/16 at least
You mean her large saggy "knee shooters" niceboy

They are so saggy that she has carpet burns on her nipples.

Eww, big knockers or not, the thing is a total munter. I'd bet you'd catch nob rot of that!

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Bex - size 12!!!

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