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AB Editor

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carlton23 | 00:40 Tue 10th Mar 2009 | Film, Media & TV
3 Answers
Why did the ED send me an e-mail a few days hence stating that I hadn`t asked or answered any posts recently when I am sure many of you regular readers will confirm I am a regular user of AB? I have asked him/her to check more thoroughly and wonder if any other AB`s have been asked the same question. I felt rather annoyed at the time.


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Yes I got one too. I was actually logged on to AB at the time !!!!!
I got loads of emails as well, I think sometimes we just have to cope with being hugely popular.
I got one too. Ed asking why i hadnt been on AB,

I'm definately not annoyed -- why should i be?

he's done me a favour! I decided to put on a posting , after not doing so, for a while now . thanks ED x

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