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pomsta | 18:17 Fri 29th Sep 2006 | Film, Media & TV
6 Answers
l dunno if it was me, but the ending of LOST the other night had me scratching my head, l know the woman was the scots fella`s girl , but what was it all about and what did it mean


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im not sure.
we'll find out next series :)
i think thats why they call it LOST!!
I'm glad i'm not the only one who thought "you're kidding- you've left it like THAT?"................heh!
well i think tht everytime the clock goes down on the timer in the hatch it sends out elctromagnetic pulses and thts why the russians r in the north (or south not sure) pole and is y they said weve already missed it once so thts y wen the clock went down the second time the russians phoned the woman (also note woman didnt get married her name is still ms.)
The ending to the 2nd series was better than the 1st series...lots more to think about. I really want to find out what happens to Jack, Kate and Sawyer. I reckon The Others told Michael to follow a compass direction where they'd get recaught or end up back on the island so i don't think they're free. I think the pulse may be the GPS signal from the boat and the electromagnets somehow covered this signal...but now it's gone they can follow the signal and the island is no longer 'hidden'.
its clever because she must already have known about the island with its magnetic anomole and that desmond is there - did her dad 'arrange' for him to be marooned there ?

it also shows that the island is not such a secret after all and that maybe series 3 will go global.

ive always believed that the island is similar to the world in the truman show and the fact that walt and michael were shown one way out and no way back kinda agrees with my theory !

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