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bird_81 | 21:14 Sun 24th Sep 2006 | Film, Media & TV
4 Answers
Hi all, really hope you can help. What is the name of the actor who plays George Michael in Star Stories and what has he been in? It's been driving me mad!!!!!!


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No best answer has yet been selected by bird_81. Once a best answer has been selected, it will be shown here.

For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.'s from the makers of Peep Show, the cast includes Matt King, Kevin Bishop, Daisy Beaumont, Olly Maltman, Laura Patch, Alice Lowe and Harry Peacock. Not sure which one of them was George Michael though sorry...
I only saw the advert for this but Im pretty sure he used to be in Grange Hill quite a few years ago. Not sure what his name is though.
...found him!...

this is a link to everything he has been in..

...and here is a photo... /kevin_bishop.jpg
I think he was Stupid Brian in My Family.

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