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Cult Drama

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poorclare | 22:26 Tue 06th Jun 2006 | Film, Media & TV
5 Answers

Cult drama first aired on BBC2 1996/7. Twentysomething lawyer living in London - star - Andrew Lincoln. Anyone know the name of the show

Thanking you in advance



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This Life ?
Is indeed that I think they have done a ten year box set, special edition. Why oh why did Miles fancy Anna?
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Thank you both. its something I never got round to watching
Watch it - it was fab!

This Life.

It was my favourite show of the nineties. Daniella Nardini's character (Anna) was a prototype for the feisty women we take for granted on TV these days. It was a great show and she is an excellent actress and too rarely seen on TV today.

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