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King kong!

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surfer mike | 20:01 Mon 19th Dec 2005 | Film, Media & TV
7 Answers

Anyone else who have seen it have a opinion on it.

I saw it last night, was a bit sceptical,thought nothing could beat the original but how wrong i was, it was a wonderful film, but of course not everyone has the same cinematic tastes.



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i saw it yesterday too and thought it was amazing.a few cheesy scenes but on the whole its hard to see how it could be better !

the whole island segment was stunning from the dino's to the insects.

Excellent. close to the original, except the effects. Jack Black is an ace straight actor too. and I cried at the end, big time. x

I too saw it last night (Empire Leicester Square). I thought the brontosauras stampede needed some fine tuning (the CGI didn't look quite finished), but if you're ever in that cinema, have a look on the floor underneath seat F6 in the circle - you'll see a big indentation where my jaw hit the floor - several time.

Great, great film. Makes up for 'The Chronicles Of Narnia', which in my honest opinion, was a large steam pile of horse pucky.

I watched it round a mates last night and thought it was pretty good and have to agree that the whole Skull Island segment was fantastic and made up for some of the more lovey moments that were a tad silly but on the whole well worth a watch
your mate own a cinema does he??
i found it a bit too long. surely some of the scenes needent of been inluded,or at least could of been cut down. Such as a lot of the crew fighting the animals scenes
Not quite a Cinema but not far short of that! His a bit rich!

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