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Another Poor Showing On Tv

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emmie | 19:51 Thu 26th Dec 2019 | Film, Media & TV
73 Answers
where are all the good films, not just Christmas ones
checked the schedules on terrestrial tv and can find only one
thing that might be of interest on BBC4 at 7pm The sound of Music
Musicals.. apart from that's it..


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i turned it all off and went to bed, did watch some of jungle book, which was well done. But poor planning
really, at least they could have put on Christmas offering of It;s a Wonderful Life..
Im pretty sure It's A Wonderful Life was on already. Maybe Channel 4 or BBC2?

I remember when The Great Escape was shown every year. I love that movie.
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so many films were on in the weeks leading up to Christmas don't understand that at all..
Mozz - Steve McQueen on the mororbike was a cracker.
Mind you my four bike smashes were better than that :-(
the small hand a ghost story was on boxing day 9pm ch5 if you can get catch it..this is filmed in Bannockburn House in Scotland..a place I visit a lot with my paranormal team..haunted for real..but not by these spooks..lovely building..worth a watch if you can
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will check on catch up to see if those offerings were on..
Talking Pictures is an excellent tv channel for old films.
I recorded the Small Hand - hope it's good.
I don't know will get my daily dose of Minder, The Professionals and the Sweeney today.
emmie got Rowan Aktinson on as Mr Bean on channel 5
In this age of technology, I am surprised that there are still many who rely solely on terrestrial tv for their entertainment. No matter what time of the year it may be. For a small monthly outlay, streaming services are available that will ensure there will always be something worth watching. And the beauty of most services is that your favourites can be binge-watched.
We are yet to commit to a small monthly outlay. Which service do you recommend Ken?
Ken ~I have my free view box which provides more than enough channels for us without unneeded expenditure. Not tight just careful with my money.
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i do looking at that regularly, good channel for old films
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i am on benefits and currently can't afford any extra outlay, so terrestrial tv it is. I can do i Player and other channels... but Christmas tv has been dire.
I have Netflix, Maydup. I share the cost with my daughter - quite legal, just use same password - and the cost is currently £6.99 pm for package 2 (2 different tv sets). I believe the cost of package 1 is £5.99pm and package 3, £7.99pm. I have read that it is due to rise but even if it's by another couple of quid, it will still be worth it.
TonyV; my comments were really aimed at those who are not satisfied with the services they use. The fact that you are happy with Freeview shows you probably have an eclectic taste when it comes to tv progs. I'm a tad fussier:-)
//I don't know will get my daily dose of Minder, The Professionals and the Sweeney today.//


Can't argue with those 3
Minder - the best comedy drama ever made , in my humble opinion
Thanks for kind comments Ken, The BT box adds to our viewing and recording options.
Yes Bazille even with the new minder.
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they are showing some absolute carp today, as much as i love Indiana Jones which is on later, don't see it being Christmas fare.

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