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George Gently

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murraymints | 23:15 Mon 30th Oct 2017 | Film, Media & TV
23 Answers
Phew...sob..sob...what a way to end a series...


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To be fair MM's OP doesn't give anything away other than there was sadness.
With a title such as "George Gently", posted the day after the final episode was broadcast, anyone wanting to watch it without having the ending spoilt would be foolish to look in the thread. The title, itself, implies that a spoiler will appear in it. The same would be true of sporting subjects - there were complaints the other day of a spoiler in the Grand Prix; had the title been "Grand Prix" people waiting to see their recording of the event could have avoided it.
Margo - you can take the blame if anyone complains :-)

All i want to say is that i haven't watched any of the episodes ( apart from yesterday ) and still do not know what the story line was about , as i wasn't really paying attention .

However , at the end when he was on the beach and was walking away , straightaway i knew what was going to happen to him .

The ending event scene in the film ' Get Carter ' , with Michael Cane sprung immediately to my mind , as he Carter threw the gun into the sea

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