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George Michael's Funeral

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coldstream-1971 | 22:12 Wed 28th Dec 2016 | Film, Media & TV
47 Answers
PLEASE can the funeral of the British pop icon be televised and not on pay per view tv has not every has this?


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Why should it be? I am saddened that a singer has died (anyone would be) but it is not a state occasion and his funeral should be a private affair i.m.o..
Most people are not concerned, more than having a feeling of regret at loss of talent and, probably, relief that his drug habit did not bring him into disrepute. A 'pop icon' is not all that important in the scheme of things really, sorry.
I don't think you want to go to the dark side of the princess of hearts now, EDDIE. Best left alone for the sake of her fan's digestion.
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'Good to Charities Ducksie? ' So was Michael Jackson !!! another singer with 'problems'
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When I heard he was good to charities Eddie, I thought it was a court order
I think you're correct, I remember something about a court order to pay 'damages' by making charity contributions.
That's what I thought anyway Eddie
Posted this on an earlier thread but posting it again will do no harm
Heard that earlier on Good Morning Britain, he did that and they never knew until past few days
PLEASE can the funeral of the British pop icon be a private one and not televised at all.

\\Posted this on an earlier thread but posting it again will do no harm//
22:39 Wed 28th Dec 2016

Godd job they never went on pointless, they would have only got a grand.

// The Ayatollah Khomeini's public funereal wasn't a pretty sight. //
that was only because they dropped him and he fell out of the coffin

I dont recollect him complaining

Princess Di's was better - beer and sarnies whilst I watched
Incredibly there were some people who stayed for the whole of the journey

and with Princess Di - they practised so they didnt drop her ( in public )
Voyeurism? No thanks
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There's been a few this year but with only days left this might get the prize for Most Inane AB Thread of 2016.

If you really want to see it that badly you will pay for it although God knows why
Princess Diana did not have a State funeral, albeit it was very public.
Princess Diana had a Royal Ceremonial Funeral, as did the Queen Mum....State ones are for the monarch, princes and princesses of the line and folk who have given exceptional service to the nation.

Why would anyone want to be a voyeur to a private funeral?

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