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Supervet Tonight

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Caran | 01:44 Thu 26th Nov 2015 | Film, Media & TV
12 Answers
I found it really upsetting tonight. The homeless chap and his dog that had cancer. That dog was his all. His family, his life.
I admit I cried. So sad.
The vet is an absolute gem. The lengths he goes to. He paid for spuds operations himself.


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Cheers Caran,... I don't need to watch it now ;)

z z
sorry, the z z z should have been x x x
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Sorry baths I didn't realise it was a spoiler.
I cried too. Poor Spud. I hope his owner, Chris, is doing OK. Sounds like he's had a tough time his whole life.
Not really fair on those that can't afford to pay and don't get it paid for by the vet.

As for the woman who owned Maxie, she should treat it like a dog not a bloody baby
I doubt the SuperVet personally is paying -it will be the TV Company. I don't like the Vet he seems just a bit too theatrical for me. I only watched one episode and that was enough. We have a good programme on which involves two vets practices -one of them ours -that's great TV and a bit more 'honest' except the vets dress better for the TV and the women vets wear makeup ( yes we tease them about that lol )
NoeI Fitzpatrick is just the same in reaI Iife, he is a briIIiant vet and aIthough you think he is theatricaI that is how he is - so enthusiastic about aII his patients. He has set up a wonderfuI charity to bring the treatment of animaIs and peopIe together to share information and innovations in treatments and surgery.
Lankeela that's very commendable but I just think he's a bit over the top - everyone is different. I prefer a vet that's a bit more serious, doesn't shower kisses on my pet and just gets on with the job. I guess my pet hate ( excuse the pun) in anthropomorphism of animals in a professional environment. Anyhow -enjoy the show! Thankfully no one straps me to the sofa and makes me watch it ;-)
I agree Caran, I love him, think he's a wonderful man and vet. His programme and Paul O'Grady's are my favourites. So sad when Spud died, but I think he packed a lot into his short life.

Panky, I don't care how people treat their dogs so long as they love them and that woman loved her little dog and the dog was happy, so that's all that matters !
I couldn't care less how ott a vet might be if he does work like this...
^ Absolutely brilliant !

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