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The Voice

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Caribeing | 22:13 Sat 30th Mar 2013 | Film, Media & TV
10 Answers
The Voice seems to be all about the judges Jessie J a real pain on tonights show, over the top falling at a contestants feet over dramatic.


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Who cares another load of rubbish for peak viewing time
11:11 Sun 31st Mar 2013
I thought she seemed a bit of a show-off tonight.
Feel it is a little unfair when one was a chart hit singer (Tony Kavanagh?) 20 years ago admittedly. And another (the last guy singing Ray Chales song) was a professional singer although he seemed to think having a part in a West End version of ' Lion King' wasnt?

I thought was to showcase unknown singers or do these acts - like 'X-FActor' already have to have a manager/agent.

Did Philomena Begley's niece get through? What did she sing?
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Agree with you jordyboy...load of poo.. !!
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All's good jordeee....thanks xx
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Agree a load of rubbish and the show is about three months old all recorded December January etc. The Voice of Ireland is much better judges are referred to as coaches and they remain in their seats no showing off like Jessie an co.
"the show is about three months old all recorded December January etc."

Surely all shows of this nature are aren't they (until they go live of course)?
Awful, just can't watch it.

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