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Claridges, Bbc2 Documentary

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DTCwordfan | 22:48 Mon 10th Dec 2012 | Film, Media & TV
88 Answers
My mind of hotel.



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yeah, ayg, but if you left your tiara outside the door with the shoes, it'd be reset and polished in the morning
22:58 Mon 10th Dec 2012
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How about a big fat juicy spider in the bath, boxie. Got one of those in Phoenix in a certain brand's supposedly 5 star establishment.
haven't stayed at claridges but used to know the hilton international and dorchester quite well. does that count in name dropping?
I've stayed at the Strand Palace.....
I have stayed at few posh hotels in my time . Mr S worked for an American company and they didn't stint on putting you up anywhere in between moves but we never stayed at Claridges !
The Dorchester was as posh as it got for us .
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So have I and appalling it was.......many yonks ago.
I quite fancy the Savoy now that it's been refurbished. Not a clue how much it is to stay there.
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Nice one shaney - in my case, I stayed so many nights near Detroit in a major brand hotel that I got to know the GM, who was from the Neths and his wife from Liverpool. He became regional sales and ops VP for them in addition to being GM, and it was he who asked me to take up the role as one of their secret shoppers (preferential rates in the Group behind scenes but the real pay out was upgrades to their number 2 suite for the price of their cheapest room just south of San Fran........wonderful hotel to vacation in).
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£375 a night best rate tonight, AYG....does include breakfast.
You must have had dealings with Haliburton in your time DT ?
Oh Boxtops, the Strand Palace brings back memories - many many years ago I used to pay out the wages to the staff there.
Gosh, have Fairmont got the Savoy now? There are more and more hotels being swallowed by groups and less and less individuality.
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more Brown and Root but I was more downstream than that....some Exploration and Production Services though in my time (and still today - just hoping to pick up some work with one of them before Xmas).

I worked my gap year with one of the Service Cos when I was 17 and gap years weren't fashionable or even called that!
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(yes, one of the weaker N-American groups - fab locations though such as Lake Louise and Quebec)
I know their one in Toronto well. Rumour has it, certain rooms are haunted.
Mr S started with Root and Toot when we decided to live in England ,who amalgamated with Kellogg who were taken over by Haliburton .
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I have used Ottawa and Vancouver Fairmonts a few times, Montreal, Quebec and Kansas occasionally.....Toronto I know where it is but never stayed there.
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Absolutely, my Uni gf (and I remain good friends with her - we see each other occasionally and e-mail each other) - well her father was one of their senior engineers working Libya etc - when I first knew her they were based in Aberdeen.
Favourite Claridges story: I had to stop in London one night but had a chihuaha dog with me. I went into Claridges and said to the desk manager "Do you take dogs in the hotel?". "No sir, I'm afraid we don't.." said he and then peered over the desk to see what was on the lead " I don't call that a dog ! Come in" The stay was interrupted by staff coming up, unbidden, to see after the dog, culminating in one presenting himself at the door with a large silver chafing dish. He said "Chef thought your little dog would like some steak,sir, and so he's prepared some offcuts for him", took the lid off the dish and revealed neatly prepared steak garnished with parsley.

Ever after that, if I walked the dog down Bond Street he'd try to pull me along to get to Claridges. He never forgot his stay.
I've stayed at Claridges (on business) when my favourite hotel wasn't available. Was very well looked after...........

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