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She's a babe but who is she?

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Cockneycarl | 09:49 Thu 13th Sep 2012 | Film, Media & TV
66 Answers
I'd also like your opinion.

On a scale from 1-10 with 10 being ugly and 10 being super pretty where would you put her?


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With your new version of the grading structure, I would still give her 1.
10:29 Thu 13th Sep 2012
>"On a scale from 1-10 with 10 being ugly and 10 being super pretty where would you put her?"

Well it has to be 10 then. I don't even need to watch the clip
each way bet then?
> with 10 being ugly and 10 being super pretty

Not much scope for variance there...
What is this thing called 'debt'? And is this post a cunning attempt to show an advertisement in the guise of a question?
Assuming you mean 1 being ugly, I'd give her a 6. She needs to get that hair sorted out. But I guess she can't really afford to.
I'ld give her 1
advertising thread in a guise of question? :)
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Good observation factor30 and Mark as i never even noticed and was wondering what you were both on a bout. obviously 0-10 with 0 being ugly and 10 being superpretty.

Sandyroe you think i work for the debt company? Lol.

It'll end in a mess anyway evian ;)
The advertising agency really needs to get their copy proofed.

"Only pay what you can afford" - tsk! tsk!
I'm just wondering why you are asking the question.
With your new version of the grading structure, I would still give her 1.
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Nibble and sandy, this is a question regarding an attractive lady and not a disguised advertising question. I don't work for that fordebt company or any other company and don't sneakily advertise for anyone on the internet for anyone and have never done.

Now back to the babe, how much out of 10 would you give her?
From a female perspective, 9. And I like the way she looks naturally pretty, hair and all.
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Chrissa you're wondering why i'm asking this question?

It's hardly rocket science to understand Who is she and what mark would you give her is it?
Love Hopkirks reply! Very witty!!
I think she is pretty but her debt is ugly....
Carl - she looks very familiar, but can't think why.
She has a serene look about her despite being burdened with crushing debts. I'd give her an enthusiastic 10.
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Hopkirk, a 1? Who do you find attractive that's in the public eye as i'm genuinely interested in what tastes you have
Think again about Hopkirk's answer Carl!

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She's a babe but who is she?

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