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Anyone watching the Long Lost Families on TV now

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askyourgran | 21:32 Thu 05th May 2011 | Film, Media & TV
19 Answers
I usually end up blubbing. It must be hard to know you have some close relative out there.


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i get choked up every week but that one really made me cry
Yes I have watched this every week and always end up blubbing too....Very emotional stories. V sad this week with the sister looking for her brother, and then to find out he died at such a young age. Not sure how to feel about the other one, I feel fo his adoptive parents..
I caught some of it...............did it say if the mother was still keeping in touch with the son?
I stayed up beyond when I should have been last night watching this because I had to know how things turned out in the end. As a result I have been yawning all evening!
Craft, it didnt really say, but they were so happy to find each other at last it would be obvious that they will nevr lose each other again. What a handsome young man he was.
Yes it said they meet up regularly and are doing a skydive together this summer.
yes it did craft. Said they meet up still and are doing a sky dive together.
My attention was obviously waning towards the end then. Glad it is a happy ending.
First time I've seen it and I was in tears. In a way I felt I was intruding in what was a very personal matter. I felt so sorry for the lady whose brother had died. What a lovely lady she is.
Yes it is very sad what some people have to bear in their lives, so very sad and to think he remembered and wanted to find her would really hurt wouldnt it? Nice tho thta his adopted brother felt so close to the lady, I hope they get a lot of comfort from each other.
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I thought it was so sad when the the woman found her brother had died, I was thinking that I wish I had a relative or someone living in Bermuda, it looked rather nice there. The mother and son were very attractive I was happy for them, Guaranteed to make me cry.
Really enjoyed seeing it, I was pressured to give up my son for adoption years ago!...........I resisted, I kept my boy!.............was hard!...............don't regret it for a second!...........he's very proud of him!...............
Kirsty, who was reunited with her son is an Aber......she was lovely on the program and am so glad she has found her son, DIL & 1+ grandchild.
plus she gets to stay in bermuda for free. Bonus :-)
No Kirstys son didnt live in Bermuda
Yes, I've watched it every week, use a pkt of Kleenex every week. I'm helping to make them millions. (sniff)

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Welsh I really admire you, I can't imagine how I would cope with that. I would like to think I would have kept the baby too. My best friend was 16 when she had a little girl, that was in the late 1950's and not acceptable then.The boyfriend and his parents didn't want to know. She was an only child and doted upon but her parents talked her into putting the baby up for adoption. She did, but it was years before she eventually got to meet her daughter, It was a lot of heartache for them both. I felt sad because the father didn't care.
tilly i was on about the one whos brother died
oooh sorry

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Anyone watching the Long Lost Families on TV now

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