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Injury compensation

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Littleowl | 23:58 Tue 11th Sep 2007 | Law
5 Answers
My daughter was injured in a car accident.
She suffered servere whiplash, cuts and bruises.
she has been made an offer by the insurance company, but we wondered what would be a reasonable offer?


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Impossible to answer that from the very limited information. How old is she?

Is she in employment? Did she lose wages, or incur extra expenses such as medication, travel costs to / from doctor and hospital appointments.

Did she cut her face or any other highly visible part of her body? Scarring that she is self-conscious of?

Is she fully recovered?

Did her injuries prevent her from doing her normal things - loss of enjoyment and so on? Did she have to pay somebody to do things she would normally do herself?

Is she traumatised? Any post traumatic stress, nerves when travelling, symptoms of anxiety?

What has her solicitor advised?

Question Author
aged 17 at the time of the accident, she is a full time student, and had a few days off college after the accident, which is now a year ago. She is very anxious when she goes out in a car, and is extremely selective about who she travels with.
Luckily she has no visiable scars.
Are there plenty of medical reports, from doctors and psychiatrists to support her claim?

Is she prepared to go to court?
Question Author
Yes the doctors have medical reports.

No she doesn't want to go to court.

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Injury compensation

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