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Tax Exams - CTA

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pink21 | 23:31 Fri 18th May 2007 | Jobs & Education
2 Answers
I passed my ATT exams a couple of years ago and am now considering doing the CTA exams. Has anyone else done them, and can give some advise as to how difficult they found them and the amount of time spent studying ie hours per week and for how long.



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I did them , but 15 years ago so the amout of work involved may well have changed by now. It was tough when working full-time as well, but that's the same for any professional exams. I thought they were fair, passable with hard work and a decent study package.For the last 2 months before the exams I was studying a couple of hours a day, (or feeling guilty about not studying)obviously building up to a lot more in the weeks before the exams. In the 6 months before that I was studying a couple of hours a week, more when on a training course. I am glad I sat them, back then it wasn't as important to be qualified, these days it's essential if you want to progress into management.
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Thanks for your reply Kags, I will give it some more thought.

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