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sorry to post this here..

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missjef | 11:42 Thu 12th Oct 2006 | Jobs & Education
1 Answers
i have just posted a q on Jobs & Education but its not very busy in that section, so if anyone could help me out with getting an answer to my question i would be very grateful, as im hoping to get an answer before i go to work. Sorry if my question doesn't make much sense, i tried to word it so it would!
i really hope one of you can help me out!!

Many thanks.


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Your request to your manager would seem reasonable. Though saying that if she cant find anyone to cover you then im not sure there is much you can do unless you could use some holiday time.

I am no expert on employment matters but in my experience at work they are normally quite flexible.

I hope you are able to come to some arrangment with your manager, though saying that she may say you should have checked you could leave early before booking the tickets.

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sorry to post this here..

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