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night shift

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cubic999 | 20:45 Sun 09th Sep 2012 | Jobs & Education
8 Answers
So I have been in my job 1 year and 6 months, in that time I have been working day shifts 6am - 6pm, on a 4 on 4 off basis, my contract does state that if business needs require I may need to work night shifts, which I have been doing so for the past few weeks,

however this work is not what I want to do, I have done it in the past and it really messes with my stomach, sleep pattern and personal life,

Is there anyway I could get a doctors note to say I do not have to work the nights...? I have already stated I do not wish to be a permanent night worker,
any advice welcomed


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Great advice yweuijhbcf ............!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ha ha
I remember being told that night shift was the prerogative of whores and burglars.
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Oh, I'm sure there was an answer there a minute ago- I read it briefly and don't remember anything major and was intending to come back to it
I've done hundreds of night shifts in my time and you have nothing but my sympathy - they are completely unnatural, i.e. having to stay awake when it's pitch black when most other people are doing what their bodies are telling them - sleeping!

Unfortunately, if your contract stipulates that you have to do them, it sounds very much as if they've got you by the short and curlies. You could always have a word with your boss/supervisor or whoever and find out if there's any way you could stick to the days instead? Worth a try.

The only thing about a doctor's note - but I do stand corrected here - is that they only last so long, and then you have to get it renewed, but if your doctor thinks you're just swinging the lead, you'll be signed off and back to square one.
be thankful you have a job at all !

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