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anyone looking to employ ex forces

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davieboyjenk | 13:18 Tue 12th Feb 2008 | Jobs
3 Answers
i am leaving the army at the end of the year, after 10 years in the Royal Signals.

Dont care what i do but must pay well, I have been instructing various things for the past 4 years including 2 years training 16 year olds and have a BTEC level 4 in teaching, would prefer to stay in the tecing/coaching enviroment.

Any ideas on courses i should do before i leave, or any one want to offer me job!


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Hope you're realistic in your pay taking a nose dive! My hubby got out and we're almost 10k down a year with him being a manager!

Training is the way to go though, especially with the Government trying to encourage ex-forces to do teaching. Have you earned any credits to go on courses?
Hi. Again I must reiterate what davieboy has to say, it is tough for ordinary civilians to get a job with decent pay but there are certain careers where being ex forces would be an advantage, ie Police Force, you could apply to a force while your still in the army get accepted. You will have to do two years as a Trainee police officer then after that you could go into Police training.
Failing that a lot of forces are always on the look out for PCSO's. I use to be in the RAF and found it an easy transition from the forces to the police.
All the best for the future.
Agree with zbearspirit, police are a good transition for ex-forces, but is also hard to get into, as they sometimes are looking for a different criterea! My hubby and others around the same time failed at first hurdle.

Do apply though, maybe you will be what they are looking for and you will be able to take over you pention too, which is always good!

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