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Fancis Asis

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smudge | 11:01 Thu 18th Nov 2004 | How it Works
7 Answers
I have tried to reply to your question, but because there's no title to it, I can't. I see you have 2 answers, so how did others reply?


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You can access his question ! Just move your mouse over the spot where the title should be , and you'll see the arrow will turn into a hand. Then you can click. Maybe there's a dot we can't see, or something...
That didnt work for me, i had to go to the question below and then click previous question.
Question Author
Thanks maximo, I tried all that the first time but no hand appears, I just can't reply to the question. Never mind!
Where you'd expect the first letter of the title a hand will appear if you hover over it. In fact, if you highlight the text by dragging your mouse from top to bottom over that post and the one above you see a vertical line of highlight where the title should be.

Failing that go to 5.html
Question Author
Thank you Stevie - I had tried & tried the same thing over & over but no hand appeared. I've just done the same & suddenly a hand appears enabling me to post a reply to Francis Asis. Very odd.
Was it worth all the effort, smudge? hehe
Question Author
Not really stevie - After all that, I can't even remember the answer that I was going to give to Francis Asis! I also spelt his/her name wrong in the heading. He, he!

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