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gas bill

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stephen2504 | 07:52 Fri 16th Feb 2007 | How it Works
6 Answers
could anyone tell me why i havent had a gas bill for 5 year i dont even know which gas company im with either and what should i do


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Do nothing.If you dont have a current billing company then you cant ask ,say, British Gas to bill you in future as they dont know who you are paying, or not paying now. So the account cant be finalised. I suggest taking monthly or quarterly readings work out the costs from gas tariff web sites and put the money in a building society.If a bill does finally appear they will not charge interest and must base charges on rates applicable throughout the period.Do you have the last reading when last billed..
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Sorry to spoil the party. It is not your money, although any debt over six years cannot be enforced. Ring Transco on 0870-608-1524 and they will be able to give you your current supplier.
Hi Stephen,
Why have you waited 5 Years to ask this question,
Dont do Nothing, Do something NOW because it will not go away. Good Luck. ALLIGATOR.
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ive found a website and it says a energy company cant back date a bill for more than two year and after july 2007 it goes down to 1 year i dont know who supplies my gas so i will just sit tight ans see what happens
nice problem though

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