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Tupolev & ILyushin -V- Airbus & Boeing

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lovejoy0120 | 19:05 Wed 23rd Aug 2006 | How it Works
4 Answers
I know russian things are generally more unreliable but which team would win and why ?


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I think this is an easy enough question answered based on airline fleets of today. Look at major carriers like British Airways, United Airlines, American Airlines, Emirates etc. What do you notice about the fleets that these airlines (and many others) have? None of them having a single Soviet-built aircraft. Most of their aircraft are manufactured by Airbus or Boeing. So, in the unlikely event that the two Soviet giants paired up and went head to head with the joint efforts of Airbus and Boeing, I think the latter option would be a clear winner.
The Tupolev type that just crashed is apparently a very reliable aircraft. 1000 built, a total of 28 accidents, of which most have involved factors other than the aircraft's reliability. See this BBC article.
It's not necessarily the aircraft manufacturer either, in this case Tupolev, rather than the lack of maintenance/support by some of the smaller airlines. (giving impression they're bad aircraft)
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I agree .Shoddy maintenance is mostly to blame although russian planes aren't the most technoligically advanced aircraft compared to Boeings,Airbuses.Although if you didnt think about it you would suspect it's the manafacturers fault.Wouldnt blame anyone coz there russian though.I'd prefer a Rolls-Royce engine than a Kuznetsov or whatever its called.

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