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Burglar Alarm Guide

Burglar Alarm Guide We all like to think the worst will not happen to us. Yet with The News becoming more and more about bad news sometimes we can get caught up in concerns for our own home. While most of us may have home insurance there are other measures which can be taken in protecting your home from intruders. ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Loft Conversion Guide

Most of us have given it a thought to reclaiming the loft from all of our junk which we just can’t part with. Loft conversions can be a great way to get some more space out of your home as well as offering you a real excuse to finally throw away everything that has accumulated over the years. As always with any b...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Winter Garden Guide

While huge blooms of flowers are more often seen in the late spring and summer there are some ways to keep your garden full of flowers during the colder months of the year. Most of these flowers and shrubs are no competitor for the vibrancy of summer and spring flowers but they have a certain frail beauty to them which...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

How to Save on Heating Bills Guide

With rising fuel prices we are all looking for the best way to save some money on our fuel bills. The costs of keeping your house warm in winter are high, but there are ways to save. Control your heating Having a programmable thermostat will minimize your chances of leaving the heating on when you go to work &nda...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

A Ceiling Painting Guide

Painting a ceiling can help with the overall presentation of a room. A clean, crisp and well maintained coat of paint on a ceiling can make a room look much bigger. Although it’s not something you will notice day to day it is something that, if not done properly, can have more of your attention than you might ima...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Removing Wallpaper Guide

For a long time wallpaper was “in” and people covered every single inch of their house in the stuff. It has been known, on occasion, that some have even wallpapered their ceiling! One of the biggest problems withwallpaper is that it is very hard to remove; luckily there are some tips and tricks for getting ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Removing a Radiator Guide

If you are painting and decorating you want to do it properly. There is little point lovingly choosing colours and designs for a house – and then doing the job in a lacklustre way. Ultimately, if a house is intended to tell people what kind of person you are missing out certain parts because they were hard to do ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

How to Unblock a Sink or Toilet

It’s something we all have to face eventually whether we are renting a property or living in our own – it is inevitable that the drain will become blocked. Rather than call a plumber most of us would like to do it ourselves and save the expense – but where should you start with a blocked drain. Whe...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Replacing a Broken Tile Guide

If you have a broken tile amongst many in your bathroom or kitchen you may think it’s the end of the world. You need not worry of course. You can easily replace a tile with only a small amount of time and materials. You are more likely to have trouble finding a tile which is an exact match for you old ones than a...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Recession Could Produce Entrepreneurs

The recession could inspire more people into embarking on entrepreneurial pursuits such as starting their own businesses, one expert has said. According to national enterprise network NFEA, despite the global economic downturn operating a business from home is still a legitimate pursuit and many people are seeing entr...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Homeowners Face More Flood Misery

Homeowners are facing more traumatic winter floods and steep home insurance premiums if the government doesn't live up to its pledge on flood defences, home insurance companies have warned. Local flood defence should be boosted by £300 million a year just to keep track with global warning, a home insurance repor...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

UK Drivers Paying Millions For Overstuffed Garages

UK drivers are paying hundreds of millions of pounds more than they need to on their motor insurance premiums because they can't be bothered to clean out their garages. Regularly parking your car on the street can be an expensive habit, both in terms of the damage that can be caused and in increased motor insurance pre...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Generation Of 'Risky Renters' Ignores Home Insurance

Young renters apathy towards home insurance cover is causing them to leave thousands of pounds of electronics and other personal goods at risk, says a new home insurance survey. A third of people aged between 25 and 34 rent their homes, a generation that home insurance companies have dubbed 'risky renters’. And ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Parties Could Cost You A Billion Pounds

You may think you would be saving money by holding a party at your own house rather than hiring a venue, this may not be the case, however. Even inviting friends over for a visit may be costing us more than we think. It may well be that we should be offering to visit people in their own homes according to recent resear...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Location Can Lower Your Motor Insurance Premiums

People who live within a mile of a restaurant are 30 per cent more likely to have an accident than other drivers, claims motor insurance research. Good news for people who live within a mile of a church, however, who are 10 per cent less likely to have a road accident than those further away. Risky locations to live ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Parts Of The UK Could Become ‘Uninsurable’

Many homes have been devastated in recent years by frequent flooding. This is a terrible thing to happen and can have long lasting effects not least of which are not being able to live in your home for a few weeks and having your home insurance premiums bumped up by your provider. However, it seems the problem could be...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Wine Cellar Value Poured Away With No Home Insurance

Alongside a sudden love of gastronomy, many in the UK have developed an interest in fine wines in recent years – both as an occasional tipple and as part of an investment fund. But despite investing in fancy climate controlling devices to ensure that their cellars are perfectly nurtured, many are neglecting to pr...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Home Insurance Firms Warn On Uncovered Gadgets

Most of us, or our children, have at least one or two gadgets in our possession. Things we seem to not be able to live without even though ten years ago they weren’t invented. Things like iPods, PDA’s, MP3 players and increasingly complicated mobile phones. In addition, these things do not come cheap and qu...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

The Hidden Price Of Partying At Home

By opting to hold a party in your own home over hitting the town many people may think they are saving themselves a packet, but home insurance firms have warned that it may not be as cheap as they think. People planning their parties at home spend on average around £200 on drinks and nibbles say home insurance f...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

Home Insurance Firms Warn That Flood Cover Guarantee Dependent On Investment

A few years on from the Carlisle floods, the worst in the UK for over 100 years, home insurance companies are warning that the country is still vulnerable to rising waters. Over two million homes in the UK are still at risk of flooding, and with the effects of climate change this number is expected to increase to 3.5 ...16:36 Mon 24th May 2010

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