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Massive puddle in middle of patio :(

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ccml | 13:37 Wed 22nd Feb 2006 | Home & Garden
4 Answers

Hi, great site n advice, cn ani1 help me?

I recently paid for my patio to be relaid with existed flags. They did a visually good job but then a month later we had a storm, it rained for 2 days. It then became aparent that there was no run off for the excess water and infact the water ran into the centre of the patio where it sat until I assume evaporated. This took a couple of days to completely clear.

What can I do, the company doesn't 'exist' anymore, I can't afford to have it relaid and as a single mum, I don't have the time or strength to do it myself??

Any advise would be gratefully received.

Thanks in advance



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you do have a problem there, for this is something that the landscapers should have sorted out. If the slabs are bedded on a dry sand bed, then it would be fairly straightforward to lift a slab in the middle and replace a chunk of the soil below with gravel to act as a soakaway. If it is bedded on concrete however (which judging by the fact that it doesnt drain away is probably the case) it is definitely something too tricky to solve yourself. Most landscapers are quite happy to come and give a free quotation and may be able to advise to you the best way to solve the problem, with no obligation to actually do the job - perhaps it might be worth while trying that to diagnose the extent of the problem.

possibly if no other suggestions are any good you could drill a hole through the lowest point in the patio.( pour half a bucket of water down and see where it pools, to give you the right spot ) then once you are through the patio and concrete underneath make a deeper hole with some sort of bar or tube. then fill it with gravel. i know that it will look slightly unsightly (?)

my mate did this on his drive and although not perfect it's better than wearing wellies to get to the car.

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thanks for your thoughts, I think I am going to try the drilling drainage holes first to try avoid costs but I think eventually I am going to need to call oin the professionals!!! Lets hope for a 'dry' summer :)

How deep is the water at its worst ? is it possible to cut a groove in the flags to drain the water off ?

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Massive puddle in middle of patio :(

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