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tupperware stain

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Denise S. | 12:58 Tue 07th Feb 2006 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
I forgot about some fruit cake left in a tupperware container (at least a couple of months) when I realised, I discovered a furry horrible mass of mould !!! Perhaps the seal wasn't on properly ! However, I cannot get rid of the stain left behind - yellowy colour. I have tried soaking in weak bleach but it is still there. Any tips (apart from making sure I finish all the cake in the future) Thanks.


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Those tablets you get for cleaning false teeth - Steradent or some thing similar. That might do it.
you may not be able to totally remove the stain its probably absorbed in ..why dont you try a strong bleach it wont harm it even if its not diluted you can allways rinse it really well after soaking could also try steriliser but by the time you have bought all these things to try you may just as well get a new can buy wine and beer steriliser powder at wilkinsons quite cheap so that may be worth a try and leave it overnight...
I have been told that if you put the item on the kitchen window sill in the sunshine (when we have some) it should help the stain to lighten. Not sure if that just applies to curry stains etc

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