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scluff | 02:18 Sat 31st Dec 2005 | Home & Garden
2 Answers
Care of plant?


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Keep as cool as possible....just frost free. They hate warm, dry centrally heated room. Water when needed but allow to dry out in between waterings. Remove ant dead leaves and flowers along with the leaf/flower stalk to prevent grey mould around the crowns.

Once flowering has finnished, continue to water and give a liquid feed every week for 6 weeks. The plant should naturally start to go yellow and die off after several months, the corm can then be removed from the soil, all compost brushed off and stored in a cool, dry place ready for starting it into growth next August or september.

Hope this helps a bit
The thing to remember is, they are plants of cool woodland conditions, hardy outside varieties generally thrive with little care, if planted in the right spot ie in groups around trees, sun or semi shade. soil / compost should be humus-rich and free draining, water regularly but be careful not to over water otherwise the corm will just sit there and rot. Good Luck

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