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can I go any Father with this

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Gardencleara | 15:09 Tue 15th Nov 2005 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
<P align=left>When my parents moved into this house 46 years ago there was a plot of ground to the side of the house whitch my father cleared and used as a garden we recently applyed to the land registry office for ownership and was turrned down on the gronds there were no historical photographs this land has been fenced off and kept in order all these years.



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Sounds like you're being fobbed off to me.

I'd imagine the burden of proof is with you, but I doubt that it has to be photographic.

You could try citizens advice but I doubt they'd be much use. I think you'll probably need a solicitor to progress it and land registry is betting you won't bother

Hiya, I have a little book on squatting etc. which may be of use to you but I don't think we can exchange email addresses here? Anyway, time to start the squat properly now.

You need to make sure the land is fenced off. Put private signs up with a number to call if anyone disputes this (though you might not need to do this if it's been so long)

Next take photos of the land and make sure the land have a proper use. On land me and my brother are looking to squat we are going to plant apple tree's.

Now you need to get a document drawn up - this can be very simple. Now get it signed by yourself and by witnesses (non-family!) Send this to your solisitor and ask them to hold onto it - or send it to your self recorded delivery and do not open it.

Now wait 12 years and lay claim to the land - then wait another 12 years for the land to be fully saleble.

If you have any family photos of the land that can be reasonably dated and statements from reliable witnesses you may be ok now - but the above is the correct way to go about it.

Sorry it is all off the top of my head - if you want i can try and respond with the full text.

Are there any old family pictures taken in the garden which may show the land in the background? Will the Land Registery accept statements from neighbours etc stating you have had this land for a number of years. If necessary sworn statements at a solicitors. If you have neighbours near to have they got any photos
The best way to make a claim is to use a specialist solicitor if you don't have sufficient evidence of use. The rules have changed recently.

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