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Double Socket

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Maydup | 07:57 Wed 21st May 2014 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
What would be the problem with a double socket if one point was fine and the other providing no power at all.


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It sounds as though the socket needs replacing. There is obviously a fault in the internal connectors. This isn't some thing that you can repair.
Bin it and get a new one - or better still, get a qualified electrician on the job.
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Thanks Michael, I won't fiddle around with it, best to buy a new socket and replace it at the weekend.
Given the thick copper connection betwen the two that sounds an unusal thing to have happened, but if they each have their own switch, it is there the problem probably lies. One switch isn't making contact.

As MichaelZZ says, these things are not repairable, replace & sling into the recycling or waste bin.
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Yep, double socket with two switches. Best replaced.

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Double Socket

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