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Getting rid of root

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lankeela | 13:41 Thu 04th Jun 2009 | Gardening
3 Answers
I have chopped down a big weed (think its called cow parsley, like what grows on roadside verges, big white flower head). It was growing up through some paving and I have cut it down to a lump about 8 inches high, but now want to get rid of it totally as it has lifted the slabs. Will it die because I have hacked it to death, or will it come back to haunt me, and if so what can I do to make sure it gets the message?


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hi lankeela i would put some weedkiller such as roundup or resolva down the stem they're usually hollow and hope that works. hope you and your dogs ok did you go to bath show the other week.
the sap can give an awful rash. Needs weed killer & cover to eliminate light for quick death.
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Thanks both.

Didn't go to Bath, no CC's, going to Southern Counties on Sunday.

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Getting rid of root

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