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paddywak | 18:38 Sun 02nd Sep 2007 | History
5 Answers
I've just been watching a series on WW II on the History Channel during which several of Churchills speeches were quoted which led me to wander, did Churchill write his own speeches or did he have a speech writer like many modern politicians?


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i think he was amazing enough to do them himself: hIndx.html
well, i personally think he did write them himself, but as someone who studied history, you never know! look for evidence to support both sides of the coin, then conclude from what youve found out...

however, remember this - some secrets are so secret, they will never be known to even be a secret...
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Thanks for your imput. I was inclined to think they were his own work, but as dannyboy says you never know.
many of the ones you've heard weren't spoken by Churchill at all but by an actor who later appeared in The Archers. Churchill delivered them in the Commons but they weren't recorded at the time; when they were recorded later, Churchill wasn't always available to do it so they got an impersonator. ley/Shelley01.html
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I don't suppose we will ever know the full truth about the recordings but the I found the article very interesting. My thanks to jno for posting it

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