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why do all men play video games

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MeaganLynn08 | 21:07 Tue 16th Sep 2008 | Gaming
44 Answers
you would think they would grow out of it. but i know 30 year olds you still play video games...what is the point it is mind numbing and its a false perception of self. i believe they begin to believe they are the characters and that makes them feel they have a purpose but that is just mean. any one else got an answer


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I have loads of point-and-click adventure games such as Monkey Island, Broken Sword. My favourites are Nancy Drew, which I play as Junior Detective because the Senior ones are too difficult for me!
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There is a huge social aspect to the MMORPG type games that B00 is talking about(i'm assuming she plays WOW),and the one I play,they enable you to chat and interract with people worldwide and it is quite fun to hear different views on things from people of other nationalities.
Triggerhippy nope.

The X Box buttons are probably more interesting than hers... i mean cmon who rants online talking about a blokes maturity JUST because they play on video games? Says it all to me lol

My mother is 49 and she has a ds and psp and also enjoys playing on my little sisters wii.

why shoul age and even gender stop you having a bit of fun on a video game?
Bit harsh! Only mind numbing to you...

I like video games, but i am under 30 at least! I do think there is a line though, a guy shouldn't spend all day gaming, in the same way they shouldn't watch the tv all night either.

By the way, is it acceptable for a lady to make her way through every soap each night?
^ no Tom completely not... they have dishes to wash, thats my gaming time! ;)
I'm female, in my 30's and I love video games.

My mum is 60 and she's on the computer every evening. Especially now she's retired, she's on there from 10pm - 1am every night.

I can't see anything wrong with enjoying life/hobby/games whatever as long as you make room for other things too. It's all about finding the right balance. I wouldn't like if a partner spent ALL his time doing something whether it being playing games, watching footie, going down the pub but I don't mind it as long as there's time for us too.
I personally think it's healthy not doing the same as each other 24/7. He needs his time as well as I need mine, just because we're a couple doesn't mean we're the same person
hm lol i am 20 female and i play on it myself lol mainly the shooting ones ghost recon mainly on xbox live me and my bloke play on it for ages with a pizza delivery on its way and later it bed time he he ; ) me n my lad have loads in common (except th porn bit lol) xxxxxx
racheal i am beginning to like you..
thanx lol y do u go on xbox aswel its mint i go on it practictly every night lol xxxx
Rachael you're from the North aren't you?! Only northerners use the word "mint!" like you did lol

I don't own Ghost Recon is it any good? I'm itching for Gears of War 2, Fracture and the new Star Wars game :) YARRR!!

I think Meagan gets the picture now by the amount of men and WOMEN who play games have answered her question!
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AngelSammy Ghost Recon is realy good but i would sugest u to get the second one as no one plays the first one any more xxxx
yea i am originaly from north lol th north east , but i now live in wales lol xxxx
"all men play video games"?

is this better than "all women are bad drivers"?
well im a a girl i love playing video games once i get into one im on it for days i have a few male relatives but only one plays games i dont think its just a man thing me and my partner love to sit n play a video game together she is also female.. Video games rock lol.

DAFFY where do i find the online final fantasy game you mentioned?????
I bought mr kola an xbox 360 last xmas and i think he played on it maybe 3 times so ive sold it and bought myself a Wii fit.
Final Fantasy XI online is available for the PC and XBOX 360 lalb,all the games shops have it-make sure you buy the 2008 version as it has all the expansion packs included.The only downside is you have to pay a monthly subscription for it but once you get into it you won't care about that :-) the fee is �8.99 per month which is one of the lower fees for MMORPG type games.
That is the official site for it
That is the wikipedia site which is invaluable when playing. eall&searchstring=FINAL+FANTASY+XI&page=search &pa=search
Just to show you the animation style of Final Fantasy XI (and how some people have way too much time on their hands) have a look at this Youtube

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